Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Mid (aged) Schoolers

know what i love about being in school again? It makes me feel young. The studying and cramming for exams, the worrying about your grades, the fear of getting reprimanded by the teachers about some little misdemeanor or when you and your clasmates get a little noisy..Things i used to hate back in the days, I find myself enjoying now. Weird, huh?

What I also like about my class is the diversity of the people in it. Im lucky I found a great group of people I enjoy hanging out with, in and out of class. We enjoy a lot of laughs (courtesy of some other peeps in my class...think MEAN GIRLS haha!..no, we're not that cruel..) and a lot of good food. My group sure enjoys eating, we've sampled quite a number of restaurants along Visayas Avenue already. When we're in class, i sometimes forget we're a group of professionals already, for we sure act like we're in high school again. Middle-aged high schoolers! haha!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

haay..the 80's..

Your 80s Heartthrob Is

Jason Bateman

of course it would be so much better if it would be the CURRENT Jason Bateman...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

As if I needed a test for this...

You've Been Bit By the Shopping Bug!

You're constantly adding to your wardrobe - and it shows
However, you can show some restraint. You love good deals.
Your love of the clearance rack has paid off...
You probably have only maxed out card or two, if at all!

So Shoe Me

You are Slinky Heels!

You're an uptown, well put together woman
But you're not too uptight to enjoy a hot club
You're always the best dressed chick in the room
And you'll only settle for the best in men

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Hapy Birthday Paola!

One of my nieces celebrated her 18th birthday recently. She's so pretty, isn't she? Man, I sure am getting old. If ther are getting older, then I'm getting ancient! But I sure hope I don't look like it. Mwahaha!

The tita/ninang with the pretty, pretty nieces.

With some members of my family, plus Mann.

With my sisters and sisters in law. One sister is not present though.

Happy happy birthday Peng! May you have all the happiness you deserve in life. You've been a good girl and a good daughter to your parents. Stay as sweet as you are. Make your parents proud someday!